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Why the House of Prayer? 12 Divine Purposes (Session 02 MP3 DOWNLOAD)

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We are standing at the precipice of a new age when heaven will literally invade earth, as Jesus executes the Father’s master plan of restoration to bring the mystery of God to full completion. In that day, we will dwell in unhindered face-to-face communion with our Father in a Garden of Eden paradise, where the eternal state of the uncreated God (Rev. 4) will be openly manifest upon the New Earth forever (Rev. 21-22)!

However, to accomplish this dynamic convergence of heaven and earth, God will shake everything that can be shaken, as He establishes His House of Prayer throughout all the nations of the earth. As in the days of Noah, this unshakable House will not only be an eschatological “ark of safety” that prevails through the coming storm, but the first place of heavenly convergence and dwelling place of God for corporate encounter, as we release His governmental power through faith-filled words of agreement and contend for His will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven!

In this two-part series, you will understand why Jesus describes the Church that He is building as a House of Prayer, as well as the necessity of under- standing our primary identity and function, so that we are prepared to partner with Jesus in transitioning this age into the age-to-come, called the Millennium.

  1. S02 PURPOSE #3-12 (MP3 DOWNLOAD)


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