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The Centerpiece of God's Eternal Purpose - Convergence of Heaven and Earth (Mystery of Israel Session 02)

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There is no subject more significant in its implications and consequences, more perva- sive throughout Scripture, more controversial and catalytic among the nations, more relevant to the human race, more central to God’s eternal purpose or more personal to the LORD than the subject of Israel. In fact, Isaiah declares that Israel is at the very heart of everything God is saying and doing on the earth today! (Isa. 62:1)

In light of this, Paul urgently warns Gentile believers not to be ignorant of this mystery, but rather understand God’s plan of bringing salvation to the nations, lest they adopt wrong conclusions about Israel that are unscriptural or even worse adversarial, leading to being “cut off” from God’s covenant forever! (Rom. 11:22)

In this four part series, Corey describes the timing and means that God will use to bring salvation to the Jewish people, and thus releasing His resurrection glory upon the earth, as well as, Jesus’ mandate upon the Gentile Church to stand with His purposes for Israel through anointed intercession, prophetic singing and bold proclamation!

Buy this track for session 2 of the series.


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The Centerpiece of God's Eternal Purpose - Convergence of Heaven and Earth (Mystery of Israel Session 02)